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Meet the Team
Kelsey Yale, Training and Development Manager
Kelsey received her master’s degree from the University of Washington. Kelsey was with Canopy Roots as a Lead Responder when they launched the Minneapolis Behavioral Crisis Response program and has since moved into her role as Training and Development Manager.
Kelsey has experience working in mobile crisis response and the national suicide prevention hotline programs in other states. In addition to being knowledgeable about crisis response best practices, Kelsey has considerable training experience, including teaching English as a foreign language in Frankfurt, Germany, and curriculum development and training execution for her former employers DESC and Crisis Connections in Seattle.
Kelsey works to incorporate a culturally responsive and trauma-informed approach into all aspects of Canopy’s training and staff development. Kelsey enthusiastically calls herself a lifelong learner and believes a growth mindset for ourselves, our colleagues, and those in our care is essential to the longevity of our careers, the recovery of our clients, and the healing of our community from the impacts of generational oppression.